Re: MD Systematic about the Sophists (Kingsley)

From: johnny moral (
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 15:59:31 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Philosophy and Theology"

    Hi Platt
    >To make a distinction between uninterpreted facts and plain facts
    >doesn't contribute much to understanding because one is merely
    >pointing out that mind and language is a part of any fact under
    >discussion. What Pirsig points out, however, is the existence of a pre-
    >conceptual reality or pure experience whereby the "fact" of the matter is
    >known prior to identifying it as such. Further, this unmediated,
    >unpremeditated, uninterpreted "fact" is a value judgment.

    So, it's a fact that the Beatles are better than the Stones, then?

    >Do you not make a distinction between belief and true belief, between
    >myths and facts? If you don't, I hope your doctor does. :-)

    Well, I know that some of my beliefs might be wrong, if that's what you
    mean. But even at that point, where i think I have identified the truth and
    rid myself of the false belief, I still might be wrong. So it's all just
    belief. Some of it just fits better and seems more likely to stay true.

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