Re: MD Bowling for Columbine

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 14:33:09 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Quality events and the levels"

    Squonk - strange you mention this, I watched the film
    on Saturday!

    It struck me as a chilling exploration of the US
    Constitutional 'right to bear arms' and the history of
    the USA described as building on and perpetuating a
    foundation of fear by continually redefining the enemy
    - Native Americans, British, Africans, Communism,
    Drugs, Poverty, Africanised bees (?), Terrorists,
    Islamic extremists.

    Not being from the USA, I do feel limited in what I
    can say about the documentary but I have been thinking
    about it in MoQ terms. I need to think about it a
    little more.

    It came as part of a USA trio for me as I also read an
    interview with Ann Coulter and watched a documentary
    on neo-Conservatives in the White House over the

    Extended to the global context of post-war Iraq and
    the Middle East peace process I see a situation awash
    with conflicting static patterns which I haven't
    figured out, but a deeply unsettling feeling is

    > Fear is a biological pattern of value.

    That seems like something to start with.



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