Re: Re: MD The Transformation of Love

From: johnny moral (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 18:53:05 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD The Transformation of Love"

    Hi Platt, all,

    You wrote:
    "It bothers me, however, that you categorize persons as
    mere social patterns, the realm where the Giant rules. We know what the
    Giant does to persons; he has them for lunch. Better to think of persons
    as individuals possessing intellect that can improve life by responding to
    DQ. That way persons are less likely to end up as fodder for the Giant's
    ugly ambitions. It was the guarantee of individual rights as protection
    against the appetite of the Giant that made the USA unique and helped draw
    powerful intellects from all over the world to its shores, yearning to be

    I would say the social level is the realm THAT the Giant rules. Well, it
    rules at the intellectual level too, manipulating intellectual ideas to
    foster its growth, but it mainly rules by means of intellectual ideas. I
    don't see how you can say that the USA has more protection against the Giant
    when clearly, the Giant thrives in the USA's free intellectual patterns.
    New York City is where the Giant was loudest, right? Perhaps because people
    in the USA (and other technologically servient nations) seem to be the ones
    controlling the Giant most, as opposed to merely reacting to it, you think
    they are protected from its appitites. But getting rich off of it doesn't
    mean you aren't a slave to it, or you aren't manipulated by it.


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