MD Going away

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 12:15:10 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD The Transformation of Love"

    Hi all

    As mentioned a few weeks ago, changes in my life
    (babies and work) mean I won't be able to contribute
    to the forum for a while.

    I tried to simply reduce the amount of time spent on
    the forum but it is very difficult not to jump back in
    when the posts are so engaging! So I will take myself
    off the list until I'm ready to get back into it

    But before I unsubscribe, a couple of thoughts:

    I have come to the opinion that there are broadly two
    positions held on the forum.

    One is held by those people who wish to really
    understand Pirsig's MOQ by studying his writing,
    possibly at the expense of some of their previous
    conceptions and favoured authors.

    The other is held by people who wish to modify
    Pirsig's MOQ to fit their own ideas and those of other

    To me, neither can claim the high ground but the
    positions seem to be creating some friction and

    I know I started with the second position and ended up
    firmly in the first. I now think that the first
    position should be a precursor to the second. Make a
    real effort to understand Pirsig first but modify the
    MOQ if it doesn't give you the intellectual harmony he

    I think the forum could help by supporting those who
    wish to really understand Pirsig, this seems to be
    what it did as the Lila Squad. LC provides Pirsig's
    efforts to clarify understanding of his theory and I
    think there is a lot of value in that book for that

    The forum could also help support those who wish to
    synthesise Pirsig with others - Rorty, Wilber,
    Barfield etc. - and make their own modifications -
    Sam, Bo, Matt etc.

    But I think respect and recognition of the two
    positions is needed. Perhaps the MF could be used to
    support this, as suggested recently by some of you?

    Anyway, that's all for now. Once again, I've enjoyed
    the discussions and I look forward to having the time
    to join you all again!



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