Re: MD quality is ...?

From: Nathan Pila (
Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 01:26:27 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Two theories of truth"


    Can you tell me what came first, the expectation that an apple will fall
    from a tree, or the fact that an apple is pulled to the ground by gravity.

    In other words, how do we come to have expectations?

    If I started life believing and expecting pigs to fly, would they start
    flying? And if I was in a world governed by a wizard who made me think that
    pigs do fly regularly, would my belief and expectation then have an affect
    on the world?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "johnny moral" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 2:28 AM
    Subject: Re: MD quality is ...?

    > HI Nathan
    > you wrote:
    > >Let me take you to one part where you say, "We expect apples to fall to
    > >the
    > >earth because we have seen apples falling to the earth, and this is why
    > >apples fall to the earth."
    > >
    > >What about the concept of gravity? Where does that fit in with your
    > >thoughts? Do apples fall because we have seen them fall before and so
    > >expect
    > >them to fall now, and then they do, or it is that objects attract
    > >with a gravitational force and this is the root cause of apples
    > >accelerating
    > >to the earth.
    > >In other words, if humans and all other beings that have consciousness
    > >to disappear, would apples stop falling?
    > OK, more good questions, thanks. Gravity is how we have materially
    > explained, named and measured the expectation of apples falling, to the
    > limited extent that we have. It doesn't exist as anything other than a
    > moral pattern of value, just like matter doesn't exist as anything other
    > than moral pattern of value. We will probably someday find some sort of
    > particle or field that we say explains gravity and matter, but only
    > when, and in such a way as expectation expects it, which means in the way
    > that fits into morality as it must. Gravity is a pattern of value in the
    > MoQ, just like a rock or a tree. is. Gravity exists and the world exists
    > because they aer high quality patterns.
    > yeah, there'd be no apples without there also being us, i'd say.
    > have you looked into John Wheeler's "participatory universe" and "it from
    > bit" theory?
    > cheers
    > johnny
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