RE: MD Democracy in the MOQ

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon Dec 01 2003 - 16:45:32 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?"

    Hi Bo

    Bo said:
    A fifth moral code? Doesn't that indicate a "budding level" above
    intellect that creates another struggle? This is of course my own
    Quality level

    What would that level be called? Static patterns of Quality quality?
    Quality patterns of value?

    Bo replied to Paul's scoffing:
    Paul's scoffing at the "era" idea is based on a misunderstanding. That
    each level is "left behind" by the formation of the next higher does not

    mean that it is permanently ...anything. Each level has had an epoch
    of dominance - when it was Q-evolution's spearhed - that can't be

    I'm not denying that each the MOQ postulates that each level has an era
    of dominance, but if we're talking about "epochs" then it is more
    accurate to say that there was an inorganic-Dynamic era, then an
    inorganic-biological-Dynamic era, and so on.

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