RE: MD "biological" crime

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 02:36:25 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD "biological" crime"

    On 22 May 2004 at 16:38, David Buchanan wrote:

    Platt and all MOQers:

    DMB wrote:
    Using Platt's "logic", I don't eat grilled steak because its tasty
    and nutritious, I eat it to assert my political will over the other
    cows.... Terrorism is rightly considered a crime, but it is a
    political act. We don't have to agree with the cause to agree that it
    is motivated by social level goals.

    "What's coming out of the urban slums, where old Victorian social
    moral codes are almost completely destroyed, isn't any new paradise
    the revolutionaries hoped for, but a reversion to rule by terror,
    violence and gang death-the old biological might-makes-right morality
    of prehistoric brigandage that primitive societies were set up to
    overcome." (Lila, 24)

    Platt thinks the quote shows that Pirsig disagrees:
    Note that "biological might-makes-right morality" is directly
    associated with "terror, violence and gang death," an apt description
    of terrorism, regardless of the social goals involved.

    dmb replies:
    If Osama Bin Laden were a crack dealer or a pimp you might have a
    good point, but since his goal is the restoration of Islamic rule,
    you're an idiot.

    msh adds:
    But David, you've forgotten Platt's definition of "Terrorism": A
    deliberate attack against a defenseless civilian population in an
    attempt to influence that population's government, unless such
    actions are carried out by the US or any of its allies.

    Best to all,

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