Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society.

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun May 30 2004 - 13:57:29 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    Hi David M:

    > You could say that consciousness exists at all levels
    > and human consciousness is more complex
    > than animal, plant, molecular, atomic, electron
    > consciousness. More complex consciouness
    > may mean a greater reach, consciously occupying
    > a larger world, as we increasingly do. & I am
    > suggesting associating consciousness in the above sense
    > with DQ.

    I agree consciousness extends all the way back to electrons, but I don't
    think Pirsig associates consciousness with DQ, at least, I can find no
    references to that effect. Instead, he describes DQ as a creative moral
    force. So I presume consciousness, or interiority, to be a static pattern
    created to enable static forms to more easily respond to the DQ force. I
    don't think we can conclude that because the world has become more complex
    over time in our limited view that DQ, which created that complexity, has
    necessarily itself become more complex.

    > I take your point about mystics and SOM.
    > But therefore, what do you think of the intellectual level?
    > Pirsig suggests that it is the highest level, you point out its
    > association with SOM, is it highest yet flawed?
    I agree that the intellectual level is the highest, but the intellectual
    pattern that dominates the intellectual level in our culture, the pattern of
    subject-object science, is flawed, as Pirsig explains:

    "But having said this, the Metaphysics of Quality goes on to say that
    science, the intellectual pattern that bas been appointed to take over
    society, has a defect in it. The defect is that subject-object science has no
    provision for morals." (Lila, 22)

    Of course, that begs the question, "What morals?" The MOQ is all about the
    answer to that question, dumping the widely held premise that all morals are
    simply social level patterns and instead, extending morality to the very
    heart of reality.

    Hope this answers your question.


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