Re: MD US Monkey trap.

Date: Tue Jun 01 2004 - 14:35:15 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Noam Chomsky"

    Hi Mark H,

    msh says:
    I find a bit obscene the idea that we (the US, 4% of the world's
    population), after consuming 28% of the world's energy resources,
    year after for the last 50 or 60 years, should just go ahead and
    switch over to an alternate energy source and go about our merry way,
    leaving the rest of the world to be thankful that we didn't take it
    all by force. Mr. Freeman could use a dose of the MOQ, IMO.

    Thanks again,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    Mark M 1-6-04: I have more faith in Intellectuals and Dynamic youth Mark H.
    There are many very fine thinkers working in the Global scientific community
    who simply need a green light to begin making progress. This will not happen
    while the Monkey has its hand in the trap.

    Past events make for sorry reading, but there is every reason to be
    optimistic for the future.
    You strike me as impatient and angry. I feel you have every reason to feel
    ashamed to be an American. But please don't be ashamed; no one is blaming Mark H
    for his country's horrors; you don't have to carry the guilt of your
    country's atrocious behaviour.

    When change comes, it will come from an unexpected source; a film, book or
    movement. The US may be in a proto-totalitarian state, but young American
    artists and those honest Intellectuals like Noam Chomsky are a force to be reckoned
    with. These people value more than the trap has to offer.

    All the best,
    Mark M.

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