RE: MD The Final Cut

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 19:09:14 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers"

    Hello everyone

    I met Paul Vogel years ago in another discussion forum. He went by the nom
    de plume "Needle" at the time and I thought how well that suited his
    personality. There were times he made me so angry I could have chewed glass.
    Still, it was Paul who suggested that I check out the Lila Squad and though
    from time to time I'd seen the discussion group he recommended to me
    mentioned elsewhere on the Internet I'd never visited the website. I kind of
    liked it so I stuck around for a while. I don't post much these days but I
    enjoy reading the thoughts of others. Well, most of the time anyway.

    It does seem that Paul is going a little overboard by posting 14 times a day
    in clear violation of the forum rules. In my own mind I could allow for it
    if there was anything at all of substance in his posts but to simply copy
    and paste articles to the discussion group is a rather lame excuse for what
    should be an intellectual excercise. When he began posting here again I was
    hoping you all would just ignore Paul and he would go away but unfortunately
    you've gone and drawn the whole discussion group into his harangue.

    Please remember this too shall pass.


    >From: "Valence" < >
    >To: < >
    >Subject: MD The Final Cut
    >Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:44:46 -0400
    >To all,
    >As a Pirsig enthusiast for almost a decade and a half, a member of this
    >discussion group since near its inception, and a member of the Steering
    >Committee, I write this post with a heavy heart. But in the past few
    >I have seen the discussion in this group degenerate from rational
    >philosophical explorations of Pirsig's philosophy to petty political
    >squabbling of the most disgusting kind (like an email version of CNN's
    >"Crossfire" but where the participants try to bolster their positions by
    >referring to Pirsig quotes) and increasingly vicious ad hominem attacks.
    >Today I came home and was greeted by one particular post which came off as
    >little more than a brazenly anti-semitic rant about how the war in Iraq is
    >the result of a vast zionist conspiracy that controls the American
    >government. On the level of argument, I can only say that this theory is
    >far beyond preposterous and riddled with logical holes as to be unworthy of
    >intellectual reply. To the author that post, I can say only that I
    >sincerely hope I have misinterpreted you, but otherwise, I think you're
    >beneath contempt, an insult to Pirsig's legacy, and that your presence is a
    >stain on this forum.
    >I would never dream of asking Horse to ban someone just because I disagreed
    >with the content of their ideas, but neither will I continue to subject
    >myself to the socially hateful and intellectually vapid bickering that this
    >list has been reduced to. First it just quieted me down... then it turned
    >me into a strict lurker... now I'm through.
    >Over the past six or seven years (I can't even remember how long it's
    >I believe I have learned a great deal from various forum members who
    >contributed to my understanding of Pirsig, philosophy, people and life in
    >general (and I hope maybe I helped some of them learn a thing or two). To
    >all of those people, I offer my warmest gratitude and my best wishes for
    >future. I am also hard at work on an essay for the forum which I still
    >to complete (and I hope will be of some value to someone). I have yet to
    >decide whether I will continue on in the MF beyond this month (the MF, I'm
    >happy to say, seems to have retained its traditionally high quality of
    >discussion), but I'm done with MD for the foreseeable future.
    >That's all. You may now resume the cacophony.
    >take care,
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