Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enerprise

Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 16:31:26 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD immoral irony?????"

    The problem here is that a free enterprise society is already
    "intellectually guided." Simple read Noble prize winner Milton Friedman on
    the subject, or Hayek, or Hazlitt or other free enterprise economist.

    Mark M 28-6-04: Please explain how guidance can be free? The fact is, all
    guidance is interference and therefore has something of the static about it. The
    question is how stasis and DQ produce the best openness.
    Imagine you are climbing a mountain. You have with you a guide who shows you
    the 'best' way to reach the summit - warning you if the adventure should be
    curtailed due to unfavourable weather conditions, and avoiding any other
    What is the 'summit' of an intellectually guided society?
    What dangers should be avoided?
    Further, no one has yet come up with a socialist system that wouldn't, by
    its very nature, interfere with an individual's response to DQ.

    Mark M 28-6-04: And not a 'free enterprise society' either as you have stated
    yourself: "...already "intellectually guided."
    I actually live in a society you assert does not exist, which is astounding.
    The socialist governments of the UK are so far to the left in US terms - the
    US being a place with no alternative to its own totalitarian regimes - that you
    have forgotten about us all together.
    If you seriously delude yourself by thinking the US economic system is
    intellectually guided then you need to educate yourself to some hard facts. But that
    would require reading material you have stolidly denied to have any value.

    under socialism, her DQ response will be judged in the light of the
    "greater good," as if a bunch of government bureaucrats not only know
    what's best but are also clairvoyant.

    Mark M 28-6-04: I know you are going to ignore my posts. I know you are going
    to do this because past experience indicates this is the way you preserve
    your ignorance - followed by brief sojourns into high sounding 'art is high
    Quality' rhetorical dreams.
    In the real world of people and experience, a socialist government guided by
    intellectual Quality has been fact of UK life. Thatcher damaged allot of that
    acting in the 'US' style.

    Mark M

    P.S. There is no such thing as the metaphysics of free-enerprise, or even

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