Re: MD immoral irony?????

From: johnny moral (
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 19:03:48 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: [Spam] RE: MD immoral irony?????"

    One more thought:
    >Just imagine the bio level BEFORE the human social level was laid upon it.
    >Did race exist then?

    Horse: I don't think it did

    Surely biological evolution would not be possible without members of a
    species that could mate together choosing to not mate together any more,
    because they identify each other as different looking. I'm not talking
    about geographical isolation, but a species dividing and evolving seperately
    in the same area. Surely that happens sometimes, right? Or is all
    evolution and subdivision due to physical geography seperating the two
    branches of the original species?

    Would it be a social pattern to not mate with the birds with the bigger
    beaks, or a biological pattern that says who you should mate with? The
    choice of who to mate with is a moral quality decision either way, doing
    what is perceived as better. It results in there being races. I think
    racism is Intellectual, it is a pattern formed when social patterns such as
    kinship and loyalty interact in predictable ways, and there is a choice
    ABOUT society to be made. Of course, there are other intellectual patterns
    about society that oppose racism.


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