Re: MD immoral irony?????

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 21:40:02 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD are genes biological patterns of value?"

    Yeah, the more I think about this race thing...

    Am I wrong in thinking that, in the MOQ, it isn't possible for VPs at
    one level to directly create or affect VPs at a different level?

    In SOM science, this seems possible: the IDEAS resulting in man-made
    elements, for example; or splitting the atom; gene manipulation
    resulting in new organisms. Even groups of people deciding to
    migrate to different geographical locations, resulting, over time,
    in the different "races" and the apparent correlation to genetic
    variations. I mean, this is saying that a social decision, moving,
    results in a genetic variation, a "new" set of alleles. Biological
    evolution in SOM science provides a way of understanding how this

    I guess I don't understand how this is explained in the MOQ. I
    thought I did but now I'm not so sure. It can't be, as Johnny
    suggests, that the different races are just a result of moral quality
    decisions, though I'm sure that's part of it. I mean the moral
    quality decision is made based on appearances that are changed
    overtime as a result of living in a different geo area. That is, the
    appearance change comes first. It seems like social VPs CAN create
    bio VPs? Which leads back to my opening question...

    Am I wrong in thinking that, in the MOQ, it isn't possible for VPs at
    one level to directly create or affect VPs at a different level?

    I should have quit when I thought I knew what I was talking about.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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    "Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is
    everything." -- Henri Poincare'

    On 29 Jun 2004 at 18:03, johnny moral wrote:

    One more thought:
    >Just imagine the bio level BEFORE the human social level was laid
    >upon it. Did race exist then?

    Horse: I don't think it did

    Surely biological evolution would not be possible without members of
    species that could mate together choosing to not mate together any
    more, because they identify each other as different looking. I'm not
    talking about geographical isolation, but a species dividing and
    evolving separately in the same area. Surely that happens sometimes,
    right? Or is all evolution and subdivision due to physical geography
    separating the two branches of the original species?

    Would it be a social pattern to not mate with the birds with the
    bigger beaks, or a biological pattern that says who you should mate
    with? The choice of who to mate with is a moral quality decision
    either way, doing what is perceived as better. It results in there
    being races. I think racism is Intellectual, it is a pattern formed
    when social patterns such as kinship and loyalty interact in
    predictable ways, and there is a choice ABOUT society to be made. Of
    course, there are other intellectual patterns about society that
    oppose racism.


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