LS More Quality?; More Levels

Jason Gaedtke (
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 09:34:35 +0100

the lila squad


>Jason wrote: >>Several levels seem to be missing, including a >>Quantum-level below the Inorganic and at least one higher level (Ascendant >>Quality, perhaps?) above the Intellectual.

>Can you give examples of phenomena that would fall in such levels?

Greetings, First off, I must begin by stating that the concept of additional levels in the MoQ is not solely my own -- nor can I take exclusive credit for its creation. Doug Renselle (a fellow Pirsig follower and correspondent) and I have been discussing this and related issues for about six weeks. Doug is very well read, and has a much stronger background in quantum physics than I. (I have told him about his list; hopefully, he will be joining us soon.) However, he has imparted some of his knowledge on me and pointed me in the right direction for additional info, so I will try to address your question.

Quantum-level phenomena are not directly observable through our senses (although the dark-adapted eye can detect a single photon). Therefore, unfortunately, I cannot provide real-world examples of such phenomena that are easily apparent in our everyday experiences.

Numerous documented scientific experiments strongly suggest that quantum-level, microworld phenomena exhibit characteristics that are inconsistent with our macroworld experiences. Examples include wave/particle duality, quantum communication (which seems to occur instantaneously between quanta -- i.e., faster than the speed of light!), Einstein's relativity theory: energy=matter and matter=energy, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: it is impossible to simultaneously determine the exact position and momentum of a subatomic particle.

These phenomena are universally accepted among physicists, yet they are entirely unlike any macroworld experiences that we might have. For this reason, Doug and I agree that a new Quantum Quality level should be appended to the MoQ below the Inorganic level.

Inorganic patterns of value emerge from Quantum phenomena, just as Biological patterns emerge from the Inorganic. For further background in a highly approachable non-technical format I suggest the following:

"The Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Gary Zukav "The Tao of Physics" by Frijof Capra "The Quantum Society" by Danah Zohar

If read in the order shown above, these three books provide and excellent introduction to the concepts that I've only briefly alluded to here. If anyone has a specific question related to the implications of a Quantum level of the MoQ, please reply!

The Ascendant level is something that Doug and I have both arrived at independently. In short, we intuit the existence of additional levels above the Intellectual simply by interpolating from the existing structure. Even though we may not currently possess the (physical or intellectual) ability to recognize such levels, that does not mean that they do not exist. We should refrain from imposing artificial limits on our new metaphysics and limiting our own growth just as the Subject/Object metaphysics has done in the past.

(The new disciplines of Chaos and Complexity Theory may in some ways be related to higher-level phenomena, but this is primarily speculation at this point. Doug has also suggested that genetic mutations may be nature's attempt at a higher-level of Quality. I would be quite interested in hearing about any of the other ideas that each of you might have related to this subject...)

Regards, Jason

PS Andrew: You ask big questions with such short posts... Better take it easy on your brother! :)

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