LS Re: Eugenics

Doug Renselle (
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 20:56:05 +0100

Bodvar Skutvik wrote:
> Dear Lila Squad.
> I just received this question from a young student who has read
> Pirsig's books (and found my essay). A baffling query admittedly,
> does anyone have an idea or draft for an answer?
> Bo
> > The question I have, simply put, is, "Is eugenics moral?" Now it is
> > easily arguable that eugenics for racial
> > reasons is not, because useful ideas are lost. But what of the
> > mentally handicapped and retarded? Those who most likely will not
> > contribute to the intellectual quality in the least. It is
> > impossible for me to believe that these people must be lost. That
> > these people don't have a quality of their own. I hope you can help
> > me, because as of now I can't find an answer in Pirsig's works.

My quick answer:

>From the context of the bottom three levels, probably not moral. From
the intellectual level, probably is moral.

I didn't think much about this -- just seems right on first blush.

Doug Renselle.

"The cause of our current social crises,..., is a genetic defect within
the nature of reason itself."

By Robert M. Pirsig, in 'Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,' p. 102 (paperback), Bantam, 28th edition, May 1982.

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