From: Sterling, Greg (
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 17:51:12 GMT


>3) Four Static patterns of Value have evolved through the free force of
> Dynamic Quality.
> Physical
> Biological
> Social
> Intellectual
Maybe I had misinterpreted Pirsig, but he did say that Dynamic Quality was a
higher standing than any of these (obviously), but he included it in one of
his lists. This is an important point because it does classify it and I
think makes it more clear.

I think it is fair to say that the higher evolutions "understand" the lower
ones, but I'm not sure that lower evolutions can understand the higher
evolutions. Pirsig actually touched on this point when he was explaining
New York city as a life form. People exist in it and make it run, but no
one person can comprehend or understand the entire city. It is very
possible that there are higher forms of life than us that we have no chance
of perceiving properly or even understanding.

Rich is correct though, you do need to tailor this 45 minute diatribe about
the MoQ to the audience. So where do you start? :)


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