Re: MD "linear causality"

From: Scott R (
Date: Tue Jan 07 2003 - 02:44:46 GMT

  • Next message: Jonathan B. Marder: "MD No to absolutism"


    Not that this has anything to do with the general intent of your post, but I
    take issue with:
    > Natural sciences are more static, i.e. lower on the static ladder.
    > Natural sciences explains the first level. So in that way, it's still a
    > more basic science than other.
    > Biology, zoology, etc. explains the second, biological level and so on.

    Biology and zoology *as currently practiced* are not explaining the
    biological level. They can only describe the first level processes that
    occur in second level entities. To claim otherwise is to espouse

    I don't know what a true second-level science would be (I have hopes of
    Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenesis, but recognize that it is still largely
    speculative). Whatever it is, it will be called vitalism by scientism types
    (Here's a challenge: a word for 'one who believes in scientism'. Can't be
    'scientist'. Scientismist? Ugh.)

    - Scott

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