Re: MD On Faith

From: ml (
Date: Fri Oct 08 2004 - 04:36:04 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD On Faith"

    Hello Platt:

    > Hi Charles, All:
    > Science asks us to "just believe" in the following irrational canons of
    > faith:
    > -- Faith in empirical verification as the standard of truth (although that
    > assertion of truth can't be verified empirically.)
    > -- Faith in the creative power of chance (although science depends on the
    > repeatable and predictable to prove its theories.)
    > -- Faith in a purposeless cosmos (although every living creature exhibits
    > goal-oriented behavior.
    > -- Faith in an amoral universe (although scientists say it's immoral to
    > falsify data.)
    > -- Faith in beauty as a sign of a valid scientific theory (although no
    > scientific instrument can identify, measure or unravel the mystery of
    > beauty.)
    > You can have faith in science, in God, in the MOQ, or your neighbor's cat.
    > It really makes little difference because no matter how you slice it,
    > existence remains an impenetrable mystery.

    Hence the success of E.D. drugs...

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