Re: MD A bit of reasoning

From: ml (
Date: Fri Oct 08 2004 - 04:12:35 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD On Faith"

    Hello Chuck:

    Chuck said:

    > Is the word "Quality" truly insufficient when relating to the sunset?
    > the "Wow Moment" an example of dynamic quality or dynamic good and your
    > appreciation of the sunset every moment after that initial "Wow Moment"
    > simply good static quality?

    That seems to be a reasonable "mapping" of experience as I
    understand Pirsig's explanation of MoQ

    Chuck said:

    > Isn't "Quality" buttressed with "Intellect" just "static quality?"

    To me that seems right. The experiencing of Quality stands
    in the present moment , simply as perceived. Intellect may
    add it's own resonance and echoes of associational richness,
    but always after the fact and as a different experience; that of
    embedding the just remembered experience with other

    However, there seems to be two different definitions of
    intellect, so to pretend they are the same makes me
    guilty of equivocation and lands much of my prior
    assertions with Scott in the barn leavings. There may
    be some good s#!t, but it is not going in his garden. :-)

    Chuck said:
    > Isn't "what comes before..." simply apriori? That's the "wow moment"
    > The cusp of reality? Being in the here and now? Again, that's the
    > Quality.

    Hoooo Yah. (Flashbulb)

    Chuck said:
    > It all just makes a big Zen Circle and I get a little dizzy.
    > Maybe I'm just confused.
    > Sorry to butt-in.

    Lead with your best side, I always do ;-)

    Contribute any time...often the participants
    in a thread head for the unseen trees that
    others on the outside see clearly.


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