RE: MD On Faith

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Fri Oct 08 2004 - 06:19:01 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD A bit of reasoning"

    Mark et al,

    > msh says:
    > Yep. And people who spend a lot of energy downplaying the value of
    > science, math, and logic are to me always suspect. Robert Duvall,
    > the great American actor, was once asked what he thought about movie
    > critics. He said: "Show me a critic and I'll show you a failure."
    > His meaning is clear, and applies to critics of science, math and
    > logic. I think it's time to start checking college transcripts.

    Couldn't agree more about those who downplay the value of science, math,
    and logic, but no one in this thread has. Though I think it is overstated,
    Platt's point is that scientists also operate within a faith structure.

    Dawkins is not defending science so much as promoting scientific
    materialism. Gathering the evidence for evolution is science. Claiming that
    evolution has happened solely through chance and natural selection is

    - Scott

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