Re: MD On Faith

From: ml (
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 06:38:32 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Question of the Ages"

    Hello Marsha / Erin, all:

    In a very real way, despite the history of
    a dogma, a living religion is only as old
    as the individuals who choose to practice
     it, today. It's social expression changes.

    Science is more readily embraced by
    most clergy than the set of medieval
    superstitions of their predecessors.
    (obvious exceptions...)


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "MarshaV" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:55 PM
    Subject: Re: MD On Faith

    > Hi Erin,
    > I'm suggesting that the big three (Islam, Judism & Christianity) are no
    > longer appropriate. They are old ways of thinking. Buddhism is very old
    > too. But it is more open and dynamic. It has rules, but its intent is to
    > promote freedom from illusion. I also think that it promotes the
    > everything-is-connected-to-everything perspective. This perspective seems
    > more tuned to quantum sciences.
    > Big disclaimer: I am neither a philosopher, nor scientist, nor
    > Buddhist. I'm just an individual trying to see past her nose.
    > MarshaV
    > At 08:34 AM 10/13/2004 -0700, you wrote:
    > >Hello,
    > >I sent an email on this a few days back but it doesn't seem to have
    > >up, probably resend it later.
    > >But quick question. I am not trying to manipulate your words because you
    > >didn't literally say this but this is honestly the impression i got from
    > >reading this. I don't know if my impression is wrong or not ( i realize
    > >that this is not what you wrote and am sorry if my impression is off).
    > >But the discussion is about a new field science being better than an old
    > >field of religion.
    > >And so in reading this I got the sense of down with the old (religion)
    > >the up with the new. But then you say maybe Buddhism can help show the
    > >way, but that is an old religion.
    > >
    > >
    > >Erin
    > >
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