Re: MD A bit of reasoning

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 13:50:05 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD On Faith"

    You say - Human intellect is different from intellect ?
    What ?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Scott Roberts" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:33 PM
    Subject: Re: MD A bit of reasoning

    > Joe,
    > > [joe] it is hard for me to discard a mystical experience of DQ!
    > No reason to, as far as I can see. Human intellect is different from
    > Intellect, and mystical experience can be seen as a momentary breakthrough
    > of Intellect.
    > Do the self
    > > and awareness share the same definition? To say a couple of things about
    > DQ
    > > like 'creativity' and 'drives evolution' acknowledges a mystical sense.
    > What
    > > are its limits?
    > Since DQ sets limits (which are SQ) it is unlimited.
    > > IMO morality is not merely the logic of awareness. Morality
    > > is the response of awareness to the evolution of levels. How can I avoid
    > SOM
    > > if I divide self and awareness?
    > Why divide them? To distinguish is not to divide. SOM makes the division
    > real, but in the MOQ (and what I am aiming at), awareness creates the self
    > and what it is aware of in the act of awareness.
    > IMO awareness is dynamic only in relation to
    > > its own existence. IMO my focus, awareness, is extremely limited. I want
    > to
    > > experience the fullness of DQ!
    > "You" cannot experience the fullness of DQ, if I understand what mystics
    > are saying. The fullness of DQ creates/experiences many "you's" by setting
    > limits. (IMO, of course.)
    > - Scott
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