Re: MD On Faith - Improbability ?

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Sun Oct 17 2004 - 00:26:26 BST

  • Next message: Jim Ledbury: "MD Randomness & Evolution"

    If Platt really did say
    The only thing "scientifically sound" about randomness is its open
    admission of ignorance. Randomness means, "We have no idea why this
    event occurred."

    I say ..
    It's an admission of imperfect knowledge. Randomness can equally mean we
    understand this process / reason / cause so well that we know we are unable
    to predicted exactly which event will occur when and where.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:49 PM
    Subject: Re: MD On Faith - Improbability ?

    > Hi Platt, Jim, Scott...
    > On 16 Oct 2004 at 9:10, Platt Holden wrote:
    > > [Scott:] So why
    > > call evolution "solely by chance and natural selection" scientific?
    > > Why isn't it called dogma?
    > >
    > > msh says:
    > > Because the concept of randomness is mathematically and
    > > scientifically sound, and nature is chock full of observable random
    > > events, from galactic collisions to comet and lightning strikes to
    > > the toss of dice to the dance of quarks. So, unless we're shackled
    > > with a strict determinism (in which case any study of scientific
    > > cause and effect becomes meaningless), randomness is scientifically
    > > viable, and the idea of a non-human planner is not. I think.
    > platt:
    > The only thing "scientifically sound" about randomness is its open
    > admission of ignorance. Randomness means, "We have no idea why this
    > event occurred."
    > msh says:
    > The discussion seems to be experiencing a severe "platteral" shift.
    > The question I was addressing is whether or not Darwin's idea of
    > random mutation knocks the scientific pins from beneath the theory
    > of evolution. I think it doesn't because there's no shortage of
    > random events undergoing scientific scrutiny. It may be that random
    > events occur for reasons we don't understand, or for no reason at
    > all. This is irrelevant to my point.
    > Furthermore, and we might want to take this to a different thread, I
    > think a lot of the confusion that results from discussions like this
    > stems from mixing up two kinds of "why" questions. So, for example,
    > someone might ask a scientist why water sometimes freezes. The
    > scientist will say "Well, when the ambient temperature of a liquid is
    > reduced past a certain point.... blah, blah, blah. But the
    > questioner might interrupt her, saying "No, no. I mean for what
    > purpose does water freeze." The honest scientist will say, "Uh.
    > That's not my department."
    > BTW, Jim, thanks for the link to the Ramachandran lectures. I'm
    > enjoying them immensely, though randomly.
    > Best to all,
    > Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    > --
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