Re: MD On Faith

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 23:06:06 BST

  • Next message: Jim Ledbury: "Re: MD A bit of reasoning (correction) - Meme"

    > >>[somebodyorother-nooffencemeant:[DMB:]] In any case, I think the clash
    between science and
    > >>religion is resolved in the MOQ, even if its not easy to see at first.

    > >[Scott:] It has been resolved for over a hundred years in liberal
    > >theology. The Catholics took longer, but they have no problem either,
    > >Vatican II.

    > jl in polite astonishment:
    > Really????????

    So now I have to guess what conflict you had in mind. If it is stem-cell
    research (since that's in the news lately), that is a conflict over whether
    it is moral for scientists to do such research. There will always be
    questions over the morality of what scientists work on, cases of obvious
    immorality (e.g., Mengele), and debatable ones (should scientists have
    worked on the A-bomb, vivisection). But these are not conflicts where
    science says X is true, but dogma says Y is true, as in the classic cases
    of Galileo and evolution. It is this sort of thing that I assume Pirsig was
    referring to ("Science supercedes old religious forms, not because what it
    says is more true in any absolute sense (whatever that is), but because
    what it says is more Dynamic." (LILA Chapter 17).

    If it was something else, let me know.

    - Scott

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