Re: MD On Faith

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 14:25:19 BST

  • Next message: Simon Magson: "Re: MD the worst thing about 9/11 according to the MoQ"

    Hi Sam,

    On 27 Oct 2004 at 10:24, Sam Norton wrote:
    Wittgenstein argued that it is impossible for deceit to be built into
    our most fundamental human relationships.

    msh says:
    I've forgotten much more Wittgenstein than I remember, I'm afraid.
    I'd have to look into what he means by "fundamental human
    relationships." At this point in my old age I'm having enough
    trouble trying to figure out what * I * think.

    If, for example, you see someone stagger in from the desert in a
    state of severe dehydration, is it really the case that "you can't be
    sure that someone else is thirsty just because they say so"?

    msh says:
    In this case there is abundant empirical evidence to support the idea
    that someone else is thirsty. In fact, if he is indeed in a state of
    dehydration, it is a logical necessity.

    It's very much part of the Cartesian mode of understanding to make
    this sort of thing questionable, and radical doubt is, itself, an
    unreasonable stance.

    msh says:
    I'm suggesting there is a reasonable and empirical middle ground
    between believing everything that's reported, and believing nothing.

    If you don't understand miracles in that 'interventionist' sense (as
    I don't) then the question of rational empiricism drops out.

    msh says:
    I guess I need to understand the sense in which you DO believe in
    miracles. I'll wait to hear, but I bet it's one variation or another
    of wanting to believe in order to fill a real or perceived need.
    Which, BTW, I think is fine. I just think it's a mistake to believe
    that everyone has the same needs.


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