Re: MD Is Morality Relative?

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Fri Dec 03 2004 - 23:33:28 GMT

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "Re: Re: MD Is Morality Relative?"


    To what belief system ?
    The MoQ and very nearly 50 years of personal empirical exprience.
    Morality evolves - no guarantee in what direction, without some basis to
    judge better or worse - like the MoQ oddly enough.

    How does learning lead to evolution ?
    That's almost a tautology, learning and evolution could be seen as
    practically synonymous in many contexts. What I'm saying is that any view
    that any of us has now (even RMP himself) of any one of the MoQ levels, must
    be revised as we learn more about them, even the seemingly fixed physical
    layer. The expansion of physical knowledge did not end with Newton, or
    Heisenberg, or Stephen Hawking for that matter. Some people are backing
    superstrings, I'm backing quantum information and holochory, but it's too
    soon to call :-)


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: < >
    To: < >
    Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 4:29 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Is Morality Relative?

    > Hello Ian --
    > According to Platt, you said:
    > >
    > > No, the
    > > MoQ is not absolute, just the best emergent framework we humans
    > > have - it will evolve like the rest of us - yes, not just the biological
    > > and higher, but even the hard physical layer, as we learn more and more
    > > fundamental physics.
    > Two questions:
    > 1. By what belief system or objective evidence do you believe that
    > evolves or progresses from lower to higher quality?
    > 2. How does "learning more and more fundamental physics" relate to this
    > evolution?
    > --Ham
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