Re: Ham; Re: MD Is Morality Relative?

Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 17:19:36 GMT

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD Is Morality Relative?"

    In a message dated 12/8/04 7:54:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    > Everything is art; if it is done with the highest Quality it is a thing of
    > It is mundane, systematic, effortless creation; you are simply going
    through life on cruise control, afraid to accelerate or > take a curve fast
    as the excitement is feared to lead to only negative consequences. There is
    not adrenaline, only the
    > biological heartbeat of existence in a so-so effort made in a so-so life
    to come to a so-so end. You have existed, but
    > your existence meant nothing.

    Ham) -- That is neither religion nor philosophy, Chin. It's plain,

    Hi Ham,
    You took the first sentence from the first paragraph, and combined it out of
    context with a few sentences in the last paragraph to restate what I said to
    make it mean what you wanted it to mean. What was left out that gave what I
    offered meaning was "Performing a task is what you are describing."
    It is my opinion of what you are saying about Methodology, and only an
    " Performing a task is what you are describing. It is mundane, systematic,
    effortless creation; you are simply going through life on cruise control,
    afraid to accelerate or take a curve fast as the excitement is feared to lead to
    only negative consequences. There is not adrenaline, only the biological
    heartbeat of existence in a so-so effort made in a so-so life to come to a so-so
    end. You have existed, but your existence meant nothing."
    "You have existed, but your existence meant nothing." -- was not meant to
    say that your existence (life) should have no meaning, but quite the opposite --
     A life without meaning is not living, but only existing.
    Filling in the blanks you left out from beginning to end;
    "Everything is art; if it is done with the highest Quality it is a thing of
    beauty. Motorcycle maintenance is an analogy showing how the most mundane
    task can be done with Quality, and how a concentration on Quality can make a
    difference in the world. Methodological work is of the lowest Quality, and I
    have found this in mechanical engineering I have witnessed to date. When you
    persist in advancing through methodology to a given goal, there may be substance
    in your creation, but that is all it is -- a form, a cold piece of substance
    that comes from some prior decided design; the idea that Quality has no

    The skilled individual brings happiness to their life and others by the
    difference between a Quality decision and performing a task. Performing a task is
    what you are describing. It is mundane, systematic, effortless creation; you
    are simply going through life on cruise control, afraid to accelerate or
    take a curve fast as the excitement is feared to lead to only negative
    consequences. There is not adrenaline, only the biological heartbeat of existence in a
    so-so effort made in a so-so life to come to a so-so end. You have existed,
    but your existence meant nothing."
    still has a completely different meaning than what you are trying to twist
    it around to mean -- so you can find "substance" to the preset prejudices you
    brought with you to the conversation.
    Have your Essence as you see it fits in with these preset prejudices, and if
    it brings happiness to your life, then it is of some Quality. The 'Better
    than' that you have dismissed may be the secret to your happiness. If you can
    stay convinced in what you offered in your thesis holds (whatever term you
    choose for 'Dynamic Quality'), then maybe you can find the same comfort Pirsig
    found in Quality. To him, Quality is 'Better than' Absolute, Being,
    Nothingness, Oneness, God, and Allahh, as with Quality, "You cannot conceive of or live
    in a world in which nothing is better than anything else."
    from ZMM; "My personal feeling is that this is how any further improvement
    of the world will be done: by individuals making Quality decisions and that's
    These words are the preset prejudice I bring to the discussions. As I have
    already offered, I read philosophy within the idea of the 'Null hypothesis'
    that anything offered by any philosopher has to make sense to me before it can
    enter, and stay in my mind. This idea of Quality seems to have worked for me,
    as I find myself quite happy with the quote from Pirsig. It doesn't seem to
    work as well for you.
    Seems I have been using the word 'Happy' for some reason? You think it might
    be a hidden little riddle in my mindless ramblings? :o)
    Have fun at whatever you choose to do -- "Don't worry; be Happy."

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