Re: MD Biological - Terrorism?

Date: Wed Dec 15 2004 - 14:50:42 GMT

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: MD Biological - Terrorism?"

    Platt, if I may add my 2 cents...

    Platt asked Arlo:

    "I take it you're in favor of legalizing all drugs. If not, why not?"

    Dan answers:
    I think marijuana should be legalized - but governed under the same laws of
    alcohol. It has non-addictive traits (physical). I'll ask you - What is so
    wrong with marijuana that it has to be made illegal? Besides the fact that the
    USG cannot make profits from it because anyone can grow it.
    Platt replied:

    " . . . costs on drug use"?? Another Arlononsequitur."

    Dan answers: I think what Arlo was talking about is the cost to consumers
    for prescription drugs (too). Especially after the latest scandal involving
    Viaox. What a sham that is. Makes me wonder how many more drugs that should have
    never been approved are on the market - for the sole reason to make money!.
    In addition, how much money from drug manufactures go to political campaigns?

    Platt asked:

    "!) As if blowing your mind is intellectual quality, and 2) as if drugs
    don't threaten society. (Been to a gang war lately?)"

    Dan answers: Platt, I really don't believe that illegal drugs have one
    specific outcome from consumption, that is to "blow one's mind". If we're
    comparing apples let's review the outcomes of alcohol use. Are you saying alcohol is
    completely safe?
    And Gang Wars aren't necessarily over drugs! To me, that's a superficial
    comment. What about suppression and poverty. What else do these kids have when
    that's all we're teaching them??? Or, maybe that's all we're (the "fortunate")
    are labeling them as.
    I see a lot of contradictions with that statement when you get to the roots.

    Platt asked:

    "I've never heard smoking cigars leading to a crack cocaine addiction. Have

    Dan answers: Not crack addiction. But tobacco addiction. Are they really
    that far off? They both wind up killing, one maybe slower than the other.

    > Like all conservative mumbojumbo, its just random Victorian morality, with
    > no Intellectual justification whatsoever.
    Platt replied:
    "Like all leftist rantings, it's just the morality of hippies, trippers and
    flower children with biological value justification -- "If it feels good,
    do it."

    Dan answers: If I smoke a marijuana cigarette what business is it of yours?
    If I smoke and get behind a car THEN it becomes a public concern.
    And, as you stated, "If it feels good do it." Isn't that a prime example of
    Dan H

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