Re: MD "Is there anything out there?"

From: Joseph Maurer (
Date: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 18:49:39 GMT

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    On 31 December 2004 3:25 AM Ian writes to Paul:

    [Ian] One thing I'm in sure agreement over is that anyone who thinks they
    divorce reality from intellectual constructs (imagination) is doomed to a
    sad, frustrating and tautological quest, (beyond the inherent interest of
    pure though experiments.)

    Hi Ian Paul and all,

    The OOOOOW! of inorganic chaos accompanies me into the New Year!

    I have no intellectual construct for a moral difference between inorganic,
    organic, social and intellectual levels. They are not reality! I don't like
    that conclusion. Is morality logic?


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Ian Glendinning" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 2:47 AM
    Subject: Re: MD "Is there anything out there?"

    > Paul, just picking up on one core point in here ...
    > You said ..
    > "Well, I would say it's intellect that constructs external reality. If you
    > feel the need to divorce imagination from rationality then go ahead."
    > ie "Intellect Constructs External Reality" you say.
    > Before the pedants pick you up on the logic of that axiomatic statement,
    > could I just unpick your intended meaning ?
    > I see two extreme interpretations one of which I consider true, and one
    > which I believe could possibly be shown to be true.
    > (1)
    > Intellect (as in the higher order mind functions of "intelligent beings"
    > like humans, from which emerge the socio-intellectual patterns of
    > behaviour)
    > Constructs (as in creates the only useful interpretation of)
    > External Rationality (the intellect can ever know, even if "external
    > rationality" actually does exist "out there")
    > This I agree with.
    > (2)
    > Intellect (as in some transcendant concept of consciousness)
    > Constructs (as in the stuff all existence is made of, in some fundamental
    > way)
    > External Reality (which independantly really exists "out there").
    > This I suspect could turn out to be true, and in fact the intellects of
    > (1)
    > and (2) may even interact, but since we may possibly only ever see it
    > through interpretation (1) it might be forever irrelevant. (But I'm not
    > sure. It is this "intellect" or super-consciousness which I see as prone
    > to
    > god-like metaphors, which are understandable, even useful, provided people
    > don't then mis-athropomorphise them into some super-being with a mind with
    > intent and purpose, etc, in order to explain the teleological reason "why"
    > anything.)
    > One thing I'm in sure agreement over is that anyone who thinks they can
    > divorce reality from intellectual constructs (imagination) is doomed to a
    > sad, frustrating and tautological quest, (beyond the inherent interest of
    > pure though experiments.)
    > Ian.
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "Paul Turner" <>
    > To: <>
    > Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 5:02 PM
    > Subject: RE: MD "Is there anything out there?"

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