RE: MD "Is there anything out there?"

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2005 - 22:56:53 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?"

    Platt said:
    How do you explain that reality obeys mathematical laws created by

    Paul replied:
    Reality doesn't obey mathematical laws. Reality just does what it does
    and mathematical laws are a good approximation of what some of it tends
    to do.

    dmb says:
    If "reality" means the universe that physicists study, then the MOQ would
    describe it as inorganic static patterns of quality. And instead of the laws
    of physics we have an extremely consistent pattern of preferences. So its
    the "behaviour" of those static patterns that can be described and predicted
    with mathematical precision. This is a matter of correspondence between two
    levels of static reality, inorganic and intellectual. This is a snake eating
    its own tail.

    But if we're talking about the primary empirical reality, which is DQ, and
    DQ is described as indefinable and only apprehended by non-rational means,
    then all the formulas and equations in the world are of absolutely no use
    and have nothing at all to say about "reality".

    Now put that pencil back in your pocket protector and back away slowly :-)


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