MD Quality and Bias In Commercial Media

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Sat Jan 22 2005 - 01:28:21 GMT

  • Next message: MarshaV: "RE: MD Them pesky pragmatists"

    Ant McWatt stated January 20th:

    I was hardly expecting a response (even a glib one) concerning Geoffrey
    Nunberg’s critique of the Media Research Center just yet as I said that was
    I delving further into the organization and its articles. However, without
    some equally credible academic source to discredit Nunberg’s critique –
    at some point, at least - Platt’s contention that there is credible
    material for Goldberg's books does appear increasingly unlikely.

    Platt Holden stated January 21st:

    >First, I think your reference to "credible academic source" supports my
    >contention that you look to formal scholarship for credence.

    Ant McWatt replies:


    Are really you saying that Bill Hicks and that "singing group" from
    Liverpool had formal scholarship for their respective arts? Informal or
    formal intellectual quality - what is it to be?

    More from Platt January 21st:

    >Second, assigning motives to an author is tricky business.


    >But if that is to be a
    >criteria, the following sentence near the beginning of Nunberg's critique
    >immediately revealed an anti-conservative bias: "-- the MRC has cooked the
    >books in a way that even an Arthur Andersen account would blush to own up
    >to." A weak attempt at humor that belies any claim to objectivity.

    That line "The MRC has cooked the books in a way that even an Arthur
    Andersen account would blush to own up to" was a concluding line not a
    presumption. Look up the webpage.

    It still remains that to keep any credibilty regards the MRC and therefore
    Goldberg will require some high quality supporting sources - on your part -
    at some point.

    Best wishes,


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