RE: MD Nihilism (Punk)

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Mar 26 2005 - 23:29:01 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)"

    Platt asked:
    Does Pink Floyd employ the rock beat? If so, that's prima facie evidence
    of it's sexual implications.

    dmb says:
    George Martin, the producer of The Beatles, has done a series of
    documentaries on the basics of music. In one episode he explains that the
    rhythm of Western forms is based on two basic biological rhythms; walking
    and the heartbeat.

    But I'm gonna guess that most rock songs really do mimic sex as Platt and
    Bloom experience it in that they are usually done in less than four minutes.

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