Re: Re[2]: MD Probably Silly Questions..

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 21:55:59 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD the ideology of capitalism - the Ayn Rand question"

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    I guess I answered your second question first - about social
    interaction - my pet topic. The basic question about what Pirsigian
    Quality actually is, I passed over.

    I'm surprised no other MoQ'er has intervened yet - I'm not the expert
    and, for one thing, don't see MoQ as "metaphysical", since I don't
    personally believe in metaphysics. But that might be my problem.

    I suspect you are confusing common sense every-day use of the word
    "quality" in your "quality of artistic output" or "quality of your
    answer to an exam question" sense, with Pirsig's MoQ meaning. Which I
    understand as the immediate experiencing of the "out there" by the
    conscious "subject" - the idea that this triplet is more fundamental
    than either subject or object independantly.

    You wouldn't be the first to see a nihilistic conclusion to the
    inclusion of the subjective aspect in "reality", but I have to say - I
    see the opposite. Every reason to take Quality more seriously than
    mere objectivity.

    Someone will shoot me down though.
    Hang on.


    On 5/9/05, Mark <> wrote:
    > Hello ian,
    > Monday, May 9, 2005, 8:44:19 AM, you wrote:
    > ig> Mark, I certainly do not believe you have the wrong end of any stick there.
    > My real bother about the understanding I've developed - and I add
    > again that I'm in no way sure that it's correct - is that it makes the
    > MOQ a profoundly depressing, disempowering, hopeless viewpoint. I
    > presume that the MOQ doesn't apply to forms of quality which are
    > already directly understood, such as the "quality" of a
    > multiple-choice exam answer sheet as calculated by comparing given
    > answers with a set of predetermined correct ones.
    > So the implication would be that it's necessary to nail down the
    > "quality" of things into concrete physical terms and, if you can't do
    > so, then the quality is dissociated from anything that you can affect
    > and all you can do is hope. So for instance, you can study for your
    > multiple-choice exam, but there's no point practicing writing essays
    > or music - that's metaphysical quality, so no matter how you practice,
    > it's beyond your powers to exert even a slight influence on the
    > quality of the output!
    > I really, really, hope I'm wrong... (errr)
    > --
    > Best regards,
    > Mark
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