Re: MD Access to Quality

Date: Tue May 24 2005 - 05:40:02 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD The Carousel of Faux Philosophy"

    Hello Mike --

    Welcome to the fray!

    First I must ask where the name Hamilton originated in your ancestral line.
    It is my middle name, although I've always been called by Hamilton or "Ham",
    and I was told that my great grandfather's grand uncle was Alexander
    Hamilton. If it's a family name in your case, too, we may be related. In
    any case, it's good to meet you.

    > Perhaps I can shed light on your puzzlement, but first I'd like to make a
    > alteration to your phrasing, because I think it slightly misconstrues the
    > You call the "unitary Whole" DQ, when according to my understanding
    > it should be all-encompassing Quality. This is split into
    > (and here comes the paradox, as I see it) DQ, the indestructable eternal
    > creating force, and SQ, the patterns that form the bewildering flux of
    > change that surrounds all of us.

    You probably have it right, although Pirsig's metaphysics are
    under-developed and quite confusing to most people. I don't think he would
    accept your notion of an "all-encompassing" quality, however, as it would
    add a third element to the ontology -- i.e., Static, Dynamic, and
    Absolute(?). I'm not an authority on the MoQ but merely a renegade here,
    having developed my own theory of Essence Value. (That's why you'll see me
    taunt MoQers by using Quality in the context of a Primary Source, knowing
    that such a concept is rejected by MoQ's author and followers.) I suggest
    instead that you take this matter up with Platt, MSH, DMB, Scott, or Ant
    McWatt, all of whom are MD members in good standing and quite proficient at
    articulating the MoQ in easily comprehensible fashion -- usually in the
    author's own words.

    > I'd like to explain why I find this paradox such a satisfying explanation,
    > but I need time to get my thoughts together. For now, can I just ask you
    > whether or not your conception of the paradox is satisfied by my
    > rephrasing? It was pedantic, but it'll be safer if we get this straight
    > before launching into a lengthy discussion.

    As you can see, I've given up trying to make sense of the Quality heirarchy
    because it doesn't address Creation, proprietary awareness, or the
    teleological issue, and its author has stated that an MoQ metaphysics would
    be "a contradiction in terms."

    The fact that you picked up on this significant omission further supports my
    claim that the necessity for a Primary Source can't be avoided if the MoQ
    philosophy is to have any transcendent meaning for mankind. There has been
    a lot of speculation in the MD concerning how Intellect and Morality fit
    into the various Quality levels, yet I seem to be alone here in questioning
    the foundation for this presumed heirarchy. So that, when you do "get your
    thoughts together", if you are able to posit the metaphysics in such a way
    that it resolves the paradox, you'll certainly have my attention.

    Meanwhile, at the risk of adding to your confusion, I invite you to review
    my thesis for a Philosophy of Essence at I don't
    expect you to understand it any better than the MoQ at first reading, but I
    think it will show you why I was drawn to Pirsig's Quality concept and why I
    have difficulty with his multi-level ontology.

    Good luck, Mike,

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