Re: MD The Carousel of Faux Philosophy

From: Robert Warlov (
Date: Sat May 28 2005 - 17:26:15 BST

  • Next message: Susan Moore: "d; car safety"

    And the first angel opened the first seal and his name was "Diversity"

    Sounds as if science/intellect is moving its budding legislative powers from
    the cloakroom to the classroom. Makes me want to gargle with L.S.D. Those of
    us who have transcended subject/object, conservative/liberal, good and evil,
    war and cartoons, have a difficult balancing act of power to preform, until
    we can smash them together like the covers of a rotten book.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Platt Holden" <>
    To: <>; <>
    Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 12:07 PM
    Subject: Re: MD The Carousel of Faux Philosophy

    > MSH writes:
    > > A touch of vile (apologies to Orson Wells):
    > >
    > > msh:
    > > But there is NO scientific support for the idea,
    > > say, that members of any one "race" are less intelligent or more
    > > prone to aggression than members of a different "race."
    > >
    > > TFP:
    > > Except for the "The Bell Curve," supported by a public statement
    > > signed by 52 internationally known experts on intelligence published
    > > in the Wall St. Journal 12/13/94? Check it out at:
    > >
    > >
    > MSH jumps on the progressive bandwagon of political correctness, well
    > documented by Keith Thompson's essay on his reasons for "Leaving the
    > Left:"
    > "In the name of 'diversity," the University of Arizona has forbidden
    > discrimination based on 'individual style.' The University of Connecticut
    > has banned 'inappropriately directed laughter.' Brown University, sensing
    > unacceptable gray areas warns that harassment 'may be intentional or
    > unintentional and still constitute harassment.' (Yes, we're talking
    > 'subconscious harrassment' here. We're watching your thoughts.)"
    > Of course, that MSH should be on the PC bandwagon comes as no surprise.
    > A generic characteristic of leftists is their fanatical intolerance while
    > they preach tolerance.
    > Platt
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