Re: MD Clearing up this intellectual mess

From: Steve & Oxsana Marquis (
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 18:31:20 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Primary Reality"

    Allen wrote:

    The beauty a mathematician finds in creative activity is not romantic in the
    sense, it is a beauty of participation and being included in the work.
    Caring. Art. There is no split here between romantic and classic because
    everything works as one flow.

    Allen, what you are describing in all your examples when applied to life in
    general as opposed to specific activities is eudaimonia, a 'smooth flow of
    life'. Another word I use is 'engagement', which I think came from the
    phrase 'being in the moment'. My favorite example is the painter who is
    engrossed in the act of painting, not the finished paintings, so much so
    that he really doesn't care if the finished works are burned right in front
    of him. It is the creative flow, not the product of the creation, that is

    We all experience this, maybe more so as children. As adults I think it
    mostly occurs when we are pursuing a favorite hobby or sport without any
    obligatory constraint by others. If we can grasp this idea it follows that
    we can enjoy whatever we choose, for it is the engagement in the activity,
    not which activity we are engaged in, that results in eudaimonia. The
    pre-Socratic person of excellence was excellent in every aspect of life,
    which is evidence that selecting the correct activity is not the key.

    What I was after when asking you to expand on harmony was why choose this
    particular word as opposed to Quality or nothingness or the Tao, etc. My
    guess: Harmony has connotations of parts working together to contribute to
    a healthy wholeness. One label for our perception of this positive
    cooperative, this getting a sense of the 'orchestra', is beauty. Analysis
    can't do this for it looks at individual pieces and misses the context. It
    is impossible, therefore, for analysis alone to have a grasp of the Whole.
    This has been left to 'spirituality' consequently with the harmonic
    contribution of the parts to the Whole completely missed and claimed not to
    exist by the SOM Church of Reason. So, harmony may be a good term to use,
    but I just need it clarified.

    Pirsig does replace his classic / romantic split in ZMM with the static /
    dynamic split in Lila. Although Pirsig does define the romantic aesthetic
    in ZMM as the immediate surface appearance of things I don't think he meant
    superficiality, which he criticizes later on as the tinsel of the appearance
    of quality, like chromed plastic.

    Intellect, or reasoning, appears to have two constituents, much like Pirsig'
    s duality in either ZMM or Lila. Analytic differentiating reason is what
    most of us mean when we use the words rationality / reasoning. The modern
    west has come to accept this as the totality of reason it seems, or mostly
    so, and it's no wonder that SOM is dominate, for that is the world of
    analytic reason (ie, breaking reality into discrete parts).

    Synthetic or inductive reason has to make 'leaps of faith' to reach
    conclusions. IOW, with this type of reasoning we end up with more than we
    start. The only thing that can fill in the gaps is intuition. The premises
    that inductive reasoning starts from are not necessarily parsed SOM
    concepts. Apparently our greatest breakthroughs originate with intuitive
    understandings, and this is the creative aspect of reason.

    So, with language pretty much limited to SOM speak, we talk about reason and
    intuition as two separate things. But really both occur together always
    (that's my 'belief' anyway ;)). We must be careful, once again, of
    realizing the limitation of language in describing experience.

    Intuition is the part of intellect that grasps your harmony. It is no
    accident that mathematics derived through intuition models very well SOM
    parsed experience.

    If we accept intuition as part of rationality then this frees reason from
    SOM. I am not sure how this fits in with Bo's SOL.

    Thanks for your response.

    Live well,

    PS Incidentally, my sign off, live well, reflects the end for both Quality
    and aretê.

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