Re: MD Clearing up this intellectual mess

From: Allen Barrows (
Date: Sat Jun 25 2005 - 20:39:40 BST

  • Next message: Allen Barrows: "Re: MD Clearing up this intellectual mess"

    Allen, what you are describing in all your examples when applied to
    life in general as opposed to specific activities is eudaimonia, a 'smooth flow
    of life'. Another word I use is 'engagement', which I think came from the
    phrase 'being in the moment'. My favorite example is the painter who
    is engrossed in the act of painting, not the finished paintings, so much
    so that he really doesn't care if the finished works are burned right in
    front of him. It is the creative flow, not the product of the creation, that
    is valued.
    Allen - Hello Steve, Sounds good to me. Your example has a Zen ring to it which is great. I am trying to use this Zen insight to indicate the mechanism whereby sq progresses in evolutionary terms. That mechanism may include coherence. With respect to the intellect coherence is that point at which DQ re-arranges sq, and this may be what we mean by intuition.

    We all experience this, maybe more so as children. As adults I think
    it mostly occurs when we are pursuing a favorite hobby or sport without
    any obligatory constraint by others. If we can grasp this idea it follows
    that we can enjoy whatever we choose, for it is the engagement in the
    activity, not which activity we are engaged in, that results in eudaimonia. The
    pre-Socratic person of excellence was excellent in every aspect of
    life, which is evidence that selecting the correct activity is not the key.

    What I was after when asking you to expand on harmony was why choose
    this particular word as opposed to Quality or nothingness or the Tao, etc.
    Allen - In my last response i did equate harmony with Quality and nothingness (because ZMM does) but i chose not to use those terms because what i am really driving at as a description of the intellectual level is a static repertiore of patterned experiences which migrate towards Coherence. Coherence being a term derrived rom the MOQ DQ/sq division.
    Each coherent state is unique but the aim is always for the same DQ.
    My guess: Harmony has connotations of parts working together to
    contribute to a healthy wholeness. One label for our perception of this positive
    cooperative, this getting a sense of the 'orchestra', is beauty.
    Analysis can't do this for it looks at individual pieces and misses the context.
    It is impossible, therefore, for analysis alone to have a grasp of the
    Whole. This has been left to 'spirituality' consequently with the harmonic
    contribution of the parts to the Whole completely missed and claimed
    not to exist by the SOM Church of Reason. So, harmony may be a good term to
    use, but I just need it clarified.
    Allen - I agree Steve, well put. I love the orchestra metaphor.
    Coherence is always context centred but the aim is Universal - DQ
    This relationship between DQ and coherence has had me confusing things rather than clarifying things. I apologise Steve. Very Sorry.

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