Re: MD NAZIs and Pragmatism

From: johnny moral (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 23:59:45 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "RE: MD NAZIs and Pragmatism"

    Hi Squonk,

    Do you really think that these two ideals are compatible?

    >The best social values promote
    >intellectual freedom, and are measured by intellectual freedom.


    >the MoQ values Dynamism and wishes for those circumstances to exist
    >that help to resonate reality in a just, beautiful,
    >and harmonious unity.

    When you think about times of great intellectual freedom, do you think of
    "harmony"? I don't. Justice, beauty and harmony all mean that something
    fits an established pattern, and intellectual freedom doesn't necessarily
    mean it is beautiful or just or harmonious. If a new intellectual idea is
    seen as resonating beauty, it is because it fits, it builds on existing
    morality. To like something, it has to be *like* something else that you
    already like in some way.

    Axe grinding #3. Does grinding an axe sharpen it or dull it? We'll see...

    >Subject: Re: MD NAZIs and Pragmatism
    >Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 07:37:43 EST
    >In a message dated 2/8/03 5:44:48 AM GMT Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > > Rorty suggests that philosophers
    > > like Plato, Kant, and Pirsig are trying to hold reality and justice in a
    > > single vision, are trying to find out where in reality it says that
    > > things are wrong and certain things right. Rorty suggests that we keep
    > > these visions separate.
    >This is dreadful, and displays your ignorance to a very disturbing degree.
    >Reality IS just, and is therefore the concern of everyone, regardless of
    >their position.
    >Nazi's are just in that they forcefully promote their social values over
    >those of everyone else. In fact, jews do the same, but in a less offensive
    >way, and so on as is the case with all social patterns; that is their
    >business, to compete for survival. The best social values promote
    >intellectual freedom, and are measured by intellectual freedom.
    >A Nazi cannot highjack the MoQ, for the MoQ explicitly states the above.
    >This points to a feature of the MoQ which promotes variety within a unified
    >whole; that is to say, the MoQ values Dynamism and wishes for those
    >circumstances to exist that help to resonate reality in a just, beautiful,
    >and harmonious unity.
    >When Rorty separates that which cannot be so, you begin to sound like a bit
    >of an ignoramus.

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