Re: MD Metaphysics and Pragmatism

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 20:44:46 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)"


    > You are, as always, instrumental in giving flesh to the
    > absolutist/metaphysical skeleton I keep trying to breath life into, and DMB
    > denies the existence of.
    > If you haven't read the "Confessions" essay posted in the Forum, I thank
    > you early on for directing my attention to some of the more pertinent
    > quotes of Pirsig's on absoluteness and metaphysics. I'd like to thank you
    > again. I've been looking a long time for that one.

    You know me, always happy to help. :-) But Pirsig--like Rorty, like you,
    like me-- could be wrong. He's admitted as much. I'd like to see Rorty
    do the same.


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