MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sat Aug 06 2005 - 10:08:04 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Myth of the Stand-Alone Genius"

    I was going to put up a post about rhetorical and philsophical rules
    of engagement in MoQ-Discuss and decided it was time to stop beating
    around the bush.

    Time to break some eggs ...
    Ian suggests these truths to be self-evident ...

    (1) MoQ is Pragmatic, Atheistic and Evolutionary

    (2) MoQ intends to be a fundamental unifying view of the whole world,
    what's in it, what it means, how it all works and interelates. A
    complete metaphysics in so far as that is pragmatically possible.

    (3) MoQ intends to change the world for the better, by being an agent
    of evolutionary change, by providing that view and sense of values at
    the level of individuals and what they can and should achieve.

    (4) MoQ achieves this by providing framework that places the
    individual in the whole world, notwithstanding any pre-defined social
    and cultural structures (of what is good, right, known, true) without
    having to threaten those structures which currently comprise
    society(ies) and culture(s).

    (5) MoQ places aspects of the individual in relation to the world,
    above any other socially constructed concepts, and in doing so
    emphasises aesthetic "oriental" enlightenment over western theistic

    Ian adds further ....

    (6) Anyone who buys 1 to 5 above is presumed to be interested in
    fleshing out practical detail, and promoting a philosophy they support
    to a point where it empowers enough of the population (including those
    in positions of social power) that the evolutionary benefits can
    accrue in the world.

    (7) Anyone who rejects the above is presumed to be peddling an
    alternative philosophy that conflicts with the one Pirsig and Pirsig
    scholars have propounded and is, temporarily at least, a drag on the
    former, even if they are "right" in the long run ;-) In which case
    they should have faith in the MoQ as suggested, that the truth will
    out itself by a process of evolution anyway.

    A time to choose ?

    Megalomania rules OK

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