Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Fri Aug 19 2005 - 01:27:26 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?"

    [Ham suggested]
    (Perhaps) a majority of the MD are obviously left-wingers who want to replace
    individualism and national pride with an elitist social order.

    Yes. That's certainly one reason.

    Damn, busted! Our nefarious, commie plot to replace individualism and national
    pride with an elitist social order has been exposed. Of course, when you divide
    the entire world neatly into Glorious Neocon Theocratic Patriots and Evil
    Commie Nihilistic Bastards, such "plots" are always pretty easy to uncover,
    just look for anyone who disagrees with you.


    From "Days Like these", Billy Bragg

    The Brotherhood Of The Elephant and the Party Of The Ass
    Are desperate for contestants to take part in the farce
    And selling democracy down the tubes with the ad man’s expertise
    The majority by their silence will pay for days like these

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