Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)

From: johnny moral (
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 21:30:00 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?"

    Platt asked
    >Are you saying that our expectations create reality? Like if I expect
    >the U.S. to withdraw troops from the Middle East it will happen? I'm
    >confused. About all I can gather from your explanation is that we all
    >expect to have a future but not necessarily the same future except that
    >some things will occur and other things won't, like the example of the
    >football game and the cat. Perhaps if you gave a few more examples of
    >how expectation creates reality and how DQ can be static when by
    >definition it's dynamic, I would see the light.

    If most of us expect the US to withdraw, then it will probably happen.
    Otherwise, why would we expect it? The more certainly you or we expect it,
    the more probable it is (you and we share most of our expectations). No one
    is really certain though, until they've seen and created it with their own
    eyes, which happens after the quality event has either changed or confirmed
    their expectation in pre-cognition. So you can still be suprised by the
    quality event and have your expectations changed by the time DQ has left a
    static reality in its wake, but not usually. What happens most of the time
    is that our expectations are confirmed.

    Our collective expectation, what most of us expect, is most likely to create
    reality. A few wackos who expect something different will probably, most of
    the time, be shown to be wackos, just like we expected they would. Unless
    the few are respected scientisists, then we expect that they are probably

    Sometimes specific things happen that no one or hardly anyone expected, like
    a volcano erupting out of the blue, or a fossil being found that changes all
    our fundamental knowledge about reality, or a wacko being right, but we
    expect that kind of thing to happen sometimes, don't we? A few things we
    know for an objective fact are that we don't know everything, and we don't
    know what we don't know.

    But what causes that actual specific unexpected thing to happen, and not
    some other random thing? I think we usually find explanations afterwards,
    and we realize that it had to happen for the world to continue to make sense
    in light of new emerging patterns. We might not have been aware of those
    patterns as they were developing, but the nature of patterns is that they
    are noticed after they are patterns. We need things to make sense in
    retrospect, so that things fit patterns that are seen later. DQ's function
    is to create the one common world such that it makes sense according to our
    collective expectations, and if that requires surprising some or all of us
    and proving our specific expectations wrong once in a while so that our
    overall expectation of a coherent reasonable cosmos is met, then that's what
    it does. I don't say that DQ is static, I say that at the moment it creates
    pre-reality by bringing our expectations into coherence pre-cognitively, it
    is identical to the static reality that it creates. But by the time we are
    aware of the static reality, DQ is off creating the next one, so it isn't
    identical anymore.


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