MD Cooperation, Profit and Some Thoughts

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Mon Oct 10 2005 - 02:33:10 BST

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    There are those among us who have long contended that enriching the self, either
    with symbolic (power) or financial capital, is the groundstuff of the human
    condition, the unquestionable market force that drives Quality.

    Platt provided again, in another post, the Pirsig quotion of man's cooperative
    nature being a "devastating fiction". This got me thinking...

    What was it that drove the publication of ZMM, and got the whole MOQ process

    In the afterwards to ZMM, Pirsig had stated "Writing it seemed to have higher
    quality than not writing it, that was all." But what was the nature of that
    Quality that writing it met?

    If it self-enrichment in one's understanding of the world, a fine and valuable
    self-full goal, then Pirsig could have stopped with his own personal
    understanding, and not proceeded with the effort to print and publish. In
    short, his enrichment was met, why continue with authorship and publication?

    Was it to seek profit? If the "conservatives" are correct, that this is the High
    Noble Goal That Drives All Man's Actions, then perhaps this was it? But Pirsig
    also states in the afterwards, "Back then, after 121 others had turned this
    book down, one lone editor offered a standard $3,000 advance. He said the book
    forced him to decide what he was in publishing for, and added that although
    this was almost certainly the last payment, I shouldn’t be discouraged. Money
    wasn’t the point with a book like this. That was true."

    "That was true." This seems to indicate that had Pirsig never received another
    dime in royalties, he would still see the publication and authorship as High

    So, if Pirsig's Quality in writing and publishing was not financial capital, was
    it celebrity? Fame? And the symbolic capital (power) that comes with it? Pirsig
    talked a lot about celebrity in Lila, and it comes across strongly that even
    then he was shying from celebrity, and now he lives in somewhat seclusion when
    his celebrity would afford such riches. No, I don't think he wrote it to attain
    celebrity for himself.

    Was it for posterity-fame? Was it to go down in the history books as "this" or
    "that"? If this were the case, I'd think he'd be more involved in the ongoing
    development of the theory.

    But if he went though all that trouble of writing, and then all the effort of
    attemtping to publish, and he was not motivated by money or celebrity, and he
    had already achieved the self-full goal of personal enrichment that comes with
    knowledge.... what then?

    So what Quality did writing and publishing fulfill? What was "the point of a
    book like this"?

    I offer-- to contribute to the betterment of others. That's the only reason that
    seems to make sense to me. Although we've rewarded him (financially) for his
    authorship and ideas, this financial reward seemed to play *no part* in guiding
    Pirsig's decision to author/publish. Indeed, he seemed to indicate he would
    have done so even he was told upfront he would receive no financial rewards.
    Although we've made him into a reluctant celebrity, he shuns this role, and
    from what I know has never "cashed in" the symbolic capital that this celebrity
    brought. Likely, if he was assured upfront that he would have lived out his
    life in obscurity, he would still have chosen to author/publish.

    The Quality that Pirsig's writing met was that he brought new understanding and
    insight into the social/intellectuals domains, so as to improve, or contribute
    to, intellectual evolution. This is, to me, the foundation for an argument that
    places social and intellectual evolution on social cooperation and the
    self-less (in the financial/symbolic capital sense) activity guided by a
    Quality higher than personal financial wealth, namely the enrichment of the
    social/intellectual levels for all.

    In short, if people were really "just in it for themselves", why do we have ZMM?
    What Quality did writing it serve? Pirsig has proved, through his actions, that
    there are Greater Goods than personal wealth and fame, and that it is to
    contribute to the betterment/advacement/enrichment/evolution of culture is what
    guides High Quality lives.


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