Re: MD Partisan Politics, Labels and Distraction (was terrorism)

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 20:19:01 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Partisan Politics, Labels and Distraction (was terrorism)"

    Hi Erin,

    [you wrote]
    If you want people to act/think as individuals then the first step is treating
    them as such and not lumping them into a "party people" category.

    Fair enough. But my purpose in all this is to get anyone to act or think as an
    individual. My purpose is to expose a cultural problem, or dialogic deficiency.
    Without explaining the problem, or bringing it into some type of analysis, I'm
    not sure how to go about talking about solutions.

    [you wrote]
    Like Before you complained about using a "my team" or "your team" football
    analogy BUT you were the one who brought that analogy in the first place.

    I think analogies are necessary rhetorical devices. I'm not sure what you're
    saying, except maybe that "my" analogy creates the problem. If so, how do we
    ever hold a discussion of the problem, of ANY problem?

    [you wrote]
    Just like when you consistently make statements about "the right" and deny you
    don't follow Platt's left/right dichotomy.

    Like I said, its not that I "dont get" or acknowledge that there exists people
    who call themselves "conservatives" and people who call themselves "liberals".
    As far as using these words, I have no problem. When I use them in scarequotes,
    as is nearly always the case (unless sleep deprivation has kicked in) it is to
    acknowledge that these self-acclaimed people exist, but to deny that all of
    reality can be captured by the cultural dichotomy (evidenced here in this forum
    by Platt). Hence, I've never denied there are "conservatives" or "liberals",
    and so will use those words (in scarequotes) to faciliate the discussion at
    hand. But I won't use them in support of the either-or, good-evil, right-wrong
    split many want to go along with it.

    [you wrote]
    I just don't find consistency in your argument....and that isn't an insult I
    think it is hard to be consistent which these kind of topics.

    Fair enough. And when you call me on thise inconsistencies I will either try to
    explain myself, or acknowledge them. Paradox and Confusion, I'm told after all,
    guard the Gates of Truth.


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