Re: MD Chaos and its role in Evolution

From: David M (
Date: Sat Oct 22 2005 - 20:41:35 BST

  • Next message: David M: "Re: MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)"


    My essay on Arthyr Young may hint at a possible
    analysis of this. Young (pyutting it in MOQ terms)
    sees early cosmic SQ as nearer to DQ and therefore
    more free. Early SQ (particles, etc) have to become more static to
    eventually create macro structures
    that are the most static things we experience. Young sees SQ before life as
    building away from DQ/freedom
    and SQ from the start if lie onwards as building back to DQ/freedom. So that
    photons and people have
    much more potential-freedom than the middle point of rocks do. Cosmic
    evolution is a sort of
    fall towards static-matter followed by a new realisation of
    freedom-creativity in man to follow
    the original creation of the cosmos itself.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "mark maxwell" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 5:05 PM
    Subject: MD Chaos and its role in Evolution

    > Hello All,
    > "All life is a migration of static patterns of quality
    > toward Dynamic Quality." Lila.
    > May a definition of chaos be formed by postulating a
    > function for it in value evolution?
    > "All life is a migration of static patterns of quality
    > (away from chaos and) toward Dynamic Quality."
    > I have been assuming DQ motivates sq evolution. But i
    > cannot find textual support for this view.
    > If sq migrates toward DQ, then is it sensible to
    > enquire if sq is trying to escape from something in a
    > negative sense?
    > Thoughts?
    > mark
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