Re: MD Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Wed Nov 30 2005 - 16:22:05 GMT

  • Next message: Rebecca Temmer: "Re: MD Chaos and its role in Evolution"

    Mike, now that we've sorted out that you're NOT and atheist ... I am ...

    When you ask
    Are you referring to Popper's falsificationist theory of science? Or
    that induction can never provide certainty?

    I say, yes and yes, and yes to any other theory applied to real life.
    (Choosing a mathematical domain bounded by axioms by design, then
    that's not real life, though I'm not sure all maths is actually as
    arbitrary as that - but let's stick to reality anyway.)

    Relative or not, I maintain that a "scientific" outlook, supending
    disbeliefs, is quite different to a supernatural faith. Leaps of
    "faith" yes, in choosing what to believe (for now), but quite
    different leaps, with and without any Plan B or any safety net.


    On 11/30/05, Michael Hamilton <> wrote:
    > Ian,
    > > Then you have missed my point - proof and disproof are different
    > > animals scientifically (atheistically). There is no such thing as
    > > positive proof, only absence of disproof.
    > I'm not sure I understand this. Are you referring to Popper's
    > falsificationist theory of science? Or that induction can never
    > provide certainty?

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