Re: MD Undeniable Facts

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 15:06:28 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (solution part 2)"

    Hi Davor:

    > Hi Platt you are even funnier than that guy from the Iraqi ministry of
    > information, your statements have about as much value as his;
    > Science can't explain why it is good.
    > The fact that my brother is still alive I consider to be quite good, he is
    > alive thanks to science, medical science that is. When yo need a new kidney
    > you will have to have a set of big cojones to stand firm by your claim of
    > absolute idiotery and say to the docters thanks, but no thanks I do not
    > believe that will be good for me. If you say no I mean other science you
    > will steal from your own wallet as we say over here. I wish you a long and
    > healthy life and that you may never need the assistance of these docters
    > who have no idea what is good.
    Pirsig, Note 56 from Lila's Child:

    "A philosophic tradition of scientific value-neutrality would argue that you
    cannot say these value patterns are better . . . because scientifically
    speaking in the real world nothing is better than anything else."


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