MD Bowling for Columbine

Date: Sun May 18 2003 - 23:41:11 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Quality events and the levels"

    All sincere MoQers...

    Fear is a biological pattern of value. American media and consumer culture
    utilise these patterns to such effect that it has resulted in the severe
    undermining of social patterns. I suggest Michael Moore's documentary,
    'Bowling for Columbine' highlights this process well.
    This documentary got me thinking about African/American culture again, for it
    has seemed clear to me for some time now that African/American culture is the
    driving force behind a great deal of high cultural art in the US. Many would
    find this suggestion to be naively obvious.
    Fears of those dominated by European patterns of value may be a reaction to
    the residual Dynamic nature of African/American culture.
    Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
    Is DMB going to procreate another idea he was dull enough not to have thought
    for himself?


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