Re: MD Racism in the forum.

From: Scott R (
Date: Fri Jul 11 2003 - 03:56:06 BST

  • Next message: Richard Loggins: "Re: MD Racism in the forum."


    > Squonk didn't say Bo was delibrately being racist, and I didn't mean to
    > suggest that either when I supported Squonk. My support was for subjects
    > and objects being as old as quality, and the intellectual level not being
    > synonomous with the S/O worldview.

    True, Squonk didn't say "deliberately". But in a later post, he said
    that --now that he has "shown" that Bo's position implies racism, he said
    that anyone who continues to agree with Bo's position is promoting "racism
    in the forum". I continue to agree with Bo's position (on the relevant
    matter, not with all of it), and, since he (Squonk) has not retracted his
    remark in spite of my pointing out to him the incorrect logic of his charge,
    he is in effect calling me a racist. I do not like that.

    > I'm not even sure I agree with squonk that saying that a culture doesn't
    > have an intellectual level is so racist or derisive anyway. Good for
    > I say.

    It is implied by the MOQ: the intellectual level is the top level (to date).
    So a culture that has no intellectual level is by MOQ definition inferior to
    one that does. Your definition may vary.

      I think squonk feels this insults a culture by calling them less
    > intelligent? I don't think that it does.

    Then you disagree with the MOQ. Which, of course, you are free to do, but
    that is not the argument here. We (Squonk, Bo, and I) agree with the MOQ but
    interpret it differently, obviously. What I find outrageous is that Squonk
    has twisted Bo's (and my) interpretation into a charge of racism. Squonk
    has, of course, committed other outrages against Bo (if you were around last
    summer, you might remember them), but this business of "racism in the forum"
    is pure poisoning of the well: "Support me or be seen as a racist".

    - Scott

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