RE: MD Role of imagination with beauty

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jul 20 2003 - 18:10:14 BST

  • Next message: Valence: "MD Intellectually Nowhere"

    Rick and all:

    Rick said:
    I know what you're saying here David, but I don't think creativity is always
    about rendering the "same truth" in new forms. While, no doubt, that is
    sometimes the case, I think a belief in DQ implies a belief that the truth
    can get better over time; and that therefore, one of the functions of the
    creative must be to refresh the old forms by co-opting them to render newer
    and higher quality revelations.

    dmb says:
    Right. That's why I didn't use a capital "T" and put the word "truth" in
    quotation marks. It evolves in the same way that RT, the oldest idea known
    to man, has grown to include so many kinds of RighTness, aRT, and TRuTh.

    Rick quoted:
    Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations,
    the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various
    forms which are essential to the work of art or poem. - Rollo May

    dmb says:
    Both Pirsig and Campbell express this same idea. Pirsig talks about how DQ
    arrives in the midst of static rituals, when they have been so mastered that
    they are put to sleep. Campbell talks about the extremely rigid poetic forms
    of Japan and in a similar way how the creativity emerges from these
    restrictive forms. This is the same point I was trying to make yesterday in
    terms of the motorcycle repair analogy. You gotta understand the machine and
    have the right tools before anything like creativity can emerge. Why?
    Because DQ and chaos are not the same thing. Because creativity can only be
    built up upon the static forms we already have. Because creativity is a
    product of excellence, talent, passion and luck. Because creative act adds
    something new to the world and serves the evolution of morality.

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